Lead Forensics

The DSA Database

Making sense of all the enforcement actions, designations, and transparency reports under the Digital Services Act can be challenging. 

Tremau’s easy to use DSA Database is here to help with updated trackers for Trust & Safety professionals, online services, regulators, researchers and civil society.

Bookmark this! It will become your go-to source to keep track of the new era of online safety.

What we are tracking

VLOPs & VLOSEs Transparency Reports Tracker

The DSA requires Very Large Online Platforms and Very Large Online Search Engines to publish Transparency Reports every six months. The aim? Monitoring and documenting the internal operations carried out to ensure the safety of their services.

Our tracker is organised by the publication rounds of Transparency Reports and offers you the flexibility to switch between a grid view or a gallery view to suit your preferences.

Enforcement actions Tracker

With the DSA entered in full effect, the European Commission has kicked off its enforcement role, sending requests for information (RFI) and opening investigations into different platforms.

Our tracker provides you with an overview about enforcement actions. You can even filter the information by the specific platforms involved or the relevant DSA articles.

Digital Services Coordinators Tracker

The enforcement of the DSA is a shared effort. Here, Digital Services Coordinators play a key role.

As Member States finalise their designations, our tracker provides you a manageable list of all these entities, their contacts, and main areas of competence.

Trusted Flaggers Tracker

Trusted Flaggers are not new in online safety  but under the DSA their reports gain an enhanced importance.

As Digital Services Coordinators kick off the designation, our tracker offers an overview of who these actors are, where they are based and the content area they focus on.

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