Lead Forensics

Webinar: DSA Deconstructed – An Ask Me Anything

The Trust & Safety Professional Association and Tremau co-hosted an AMA for the T&S community to ask their burning DSA questions. 

A transatlantic panel of experts answered the audience’s questions: 

  • Agne Kaarlep, Head of Policy and Advisory at Tremau
  • Aoife McGuinness, Trust & Safety Manager at Wildlife Studio
  • Alex Feerst, CEO at Murmuration Labs
  • Aiden Kim, Head of Trust & Safety at NAVER Z (Zepeto)

Some key questions:

  • How do you prepare for transparency reports? Verify that your current moderation processes and tools give you all of the data needed. The first transparency reports are due latest by 2025, so start preparing now!
  • How do you deal with low-quality reports? In one of Wildlife’s games, users must tick a box acknowledging that action may be taken against their report if it is not in good faith. This reduced false reports around 80%.
  • What are the challenges for startups? The DSA’s micro and small business exceptions are not tailored to how startups are funded. Those who raise a lot of money from the start may be excluded – check if you’re “in”!
  • How can medium-sized platforms scale up in a compliant way? Look beyond what is immediately needed, to what will be the golden standard – e.g. criteria for risk assessments and systemic risks.


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Further articles

Transparency Reporting under the DSA – Webinar with the Tech Coalition

Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs) and Very Large Search Engines (VLOSEs) have already submitted the first three versions of their Transparency Reports (TR), as tracked in our DSA Database. Now, on 17 April 2025, the deadline will come for ALL the other online platforms to submit their first-ever DSA TR. Watch out: this first deadline

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